What Data Says about Game of Thrones Deaths?

                                              Game of  Thrones! One of the most popular Tv show of history. I still can remember  the days of Game of  Thrones. When I see the death of Ned stark in Season 1 i realized this show will not be ay ordinary show. And it was not.

                                        Everyone who watched game of thrones will tell that is a show of deaths. You can not count who is dying when. But thanks to some guys who made a dataset of  All game of thrones death. I did some analysis on that dataset and came to find some interesting finding about game of thrones deaths. Here it is :

Who is the top killer of Game of thrones: 

 Look at the below Chart:

So Daenerys Targaryen killed most person and second position holds Cersei Lannister. First 3 top killers of Game of  Thrones are all female. 

Which Houses have Most Deaths :

So House Lannister carries the burden of deaths Most. House stark is the Second.

Which houses did the most Killing:

House Targaryen  did the most killing although Daenerys Targaryen alone did the most of the killings. Although house Lannister lost more men then any other house they killed many others as well after House Targaryen


Dataset Link: https://data.world/makeovermonday/2019w27




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